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Posted November 6, 2023 at 6:20 am

Pre-order reward update: Good news! My final batch of enamel pins arrived, and thanks to a last-minute assist from my friends Ariel, Carling, AM, and my partner Zack, they have been fully assembled and are now ready to ship out! I am now hoping to get most if not all the remaining pre-orders sent out by the end of this week, provided that I can make that many trips to the post office (the blue bins around my neighborhood keep getting removed/replaced with letter-only slots).

However, I still have quite a few difficult-to-verify addresses that I need to verify before they can be sent out, so please keep an eye on your inboxes in case I need to reach out to you!

The results of this week's street team competition: Team Jekyll wins again . . . but just barely! If you'd like to join the fight, CLICK HERE!
