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Page 35
Posted February 28, 2016 at 10:15 pm
Someone commented last week that Hyde is basically trying to convince his mom Jekyll to let him go to the mall. A truer summation of Hyde's character motivation has never been said. Screen Shot 2016-02-28 at 3.44.02 PM (And hey, if someone wants to write up alternate lyrics to that song replacing 'Mall' with 'Bazaar' I certainly wouldn't object!) Also, an update for you commenters--there's been a recent trend of commenters roleplaying TGS characters (and various clans thereof), which is super fun! But I want to make sure that people who want to participate in non-roleplay discussion are able to navigate the comments section without too much trouble, so I requested that commenters limit their posts to 25-50 per person, per page, and after that to move to a dedicated roleplay platform. I believe some people have already created a chat group on Disqus, but as of this publication I couldn't find a working link to that chat. As soon as someone posts it, I will update this post with the link, and add it to the site sidebar, when I have a free moment.