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Posted April 5, 2021 at 6:20 am

Hyde: It's the hypocrisy for me. Imagine being this delusional. Gentle reminder that this is not a good look, bestie. 

Also Hyde: Ew I don't have feelings

I'm really playing myself with these pages. The effects layers are out of control! We've got Jekyll-as-reflection, Jekyll-as-shadow, water ripples, foreground and background nightmare creature layers, foreground floating objects, glowing ground grid, and glowing characters. It's too much and I'm tired!

(Sidenote: The cutesy/sarcastic 'bestie' makes my skin crawl. Did anyone else have best friend insecurity growing up? Like, everyone else was pairing off with their designated best friend and then you turned to the person you thought was your best friend and she's like "Um, yeah, you're not my best friend." And then that happened like ten more times?) 
