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Posted March 27, 2023 at 6:20 am

Pre-order The Glass Scientists, Volume I HERE!

Thanks to everyone who chimed in about the kind of pre-order goodies they'd be interested in! It'll take me a while before I can make the final call on which items I'll be producing, but I've got a lot of great ideas to work with.

And thank you to everyone who showed interest in my potion bottle decorations! There ended up being way more people than I could send items to, but I appreciated the engagement nonetheless. I will likely have more items I'll want to declutter in the near future, so please keep an eye on this space if you're interested!

Finally, I wanted to answer a reader question from a little while ago: The new bonus story that will be included in Volume I of The Glass Scientists will NOT be Bleeding Heart! Bleeding Heart will continue to be available exclusively on Gumroad . . . and the new Hivemill site, once that gets set up.
