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Posted November 27, 2023 at 6:20 am

Against all odds, I was able to take a break for Thanksgiving! This is a pretty big deal for me. I haven’t been able to take a real day off since . . . June, I want to say? I spent most of the break extremely exhausted, but this is the first holiday break in several years where I haven’t been hustling to get a new chapter out or finish up some development assignment or another.

 Granted, I probably should be writing Chapter 17, finishing up supplemental material for book 2, starting supplemental material for book 3, catching up on color clean-up, and planning out some way to pitch TGS for TV (don’t get your hopes up y’all, it’s incredibly hard to sell YA for TV animation), but I had a sense that I needed a moment to just . . . stop . . . and I’m hoping this will be the right call in the long run.

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