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Posted October 18, 2015 at 11:34 pm
A couple days ago I did a podcast interview with the guys at Comics Coast to Coast! You can check out the interview here! I ramble a bit (and a bit incoherently) about my philosophy behind writing The Glass Scientists as well as The Difficult Subject of Women in Animation and how I ended up on Gravity Falls. There's also a question in the show notes that we didn't get to that I want to address briefly: "Why so many dudes in The Glass Scientists?" This is a particularly troubling question considering how much I harp on representation in storytelling! My answer is basically: The full cast for The Glass Scientists has a pretty even distribution of gender/sexuality*/race, but the cast won't be completed until the end of Act I. I originally planned the story with a traditional film 3-act structure in mind--in which it would take an average of 30 minutes to run through the first act--but with a webcomic format that first act gets drawn out over at least a year. So . . . yeah, it doesn't look good. That was weird planning on my part. :\ *technically the story is already diverse in terms of sexuality, but this is complicated by the fact that I'm not good at drawing sexy stuff, I'm not good at writing romance, and a lot of my characters are closeted. But for the record, I write all characters as bisexual** unless otherwise stated. **doubly complicated by the fact that the word "bisexual" was definitely not around in 1885.