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The Shop The Blog Prologue RP Forum
Posted December 21, 2020 at 3:19 am

I am once again giving you the holiday shop update: I will not be shutting down the shop this year as I'm not traveling, but I will not be shipping out any orders on December 24/25! Honestly though I wouldn't recommend buying anything for Christmas this week given the troubles at USPS. If you absolutely need to make a last minute purchase, please make a note of it in the 'Notes' section so we can arrange some kind of express shipping! 

Also, I should apologize for low shop inventory this year--some items are harder than others to restock during the pandemic, and my usual laser printer (for my charms) has gone silent. I have an alternate company, but I won't be getting another shipment in for at least another month. I apologize for the inconvenience!

I'm genuinely not sure where readers are going to fall on the subject of Hyde vs. Rachel. Is Rachel in the wrong for trying to rescue Hyde without his consent? Or is Hyde in the wrong for recklessly endangering himself and then getting mad when his loved ones try to help him? Should Rachel have trusted Hyde to take care of himself (he is an adult, after all)? Or was it reasonable for her to assume he was putting himself in grave danger when there was an active search warrant out for him? 
