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Page 12
Posted November 11, 2018 at 10:20 pm
My new batch of acrylic charms have arrived! (The last batch of charms were lost/stolen along with my laptop bag a couple months ago.) New charm designs for Rachel, Lanyon, Frankenstein, and the Creature will be available along with restocked Jekyll, Hyde, and Jasper designs! I still need to assemble them, but once I put them in the shop (I'll make an announcement) they don't last long, so get em while they last! The not-quite-human lady in panel 4 is Morcant, the werewolf from Bleeding Heart, whom Jekyll supposedly never saw again after the events of that story. Supposedly. For those who haven't read Bleeding Heart, it's enough to know that she's a mysterious woman from Jekyll's past. You should also know that she is totally ripped, bro.