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Posted September 26, 2022 at 6:20 am

Halloween approaches! Do you have any favorite harvesty, fall-y, autumnal activities? Please tell them to me so I can steal them. For the last few years I've been ordering all the Halloween-y teas from David's Teas, but this year it just reminded me that I've repeated this ritual in quarantine twice already, which was extremely depressing, so I ordered from Lupicia instead.

Lupicia is the best tea brand! They used to have brick-and-mortar stores in the US where you could taste-test their teas, and all of them were good. They don't have those stores anymore, except in Hawaii, but you can still order online! Their offerings change seasonally, but my favorites are Sakuranbo, Chocolate and Strawberry Puer, and Kotobuki. Please buy some because it's delicious and I'm afraid that it will go away some day!
