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Page 31
Posted April 23, 2017 at 11:20 pm
We're nearing the end of Chapter 4, and I wanted to let you guys know that once this chapter is done I will be taking a short hiatus--most likely 4-6 weeks. It will start approximately four weeks from today (May 22nd), after I post the cover of Chapter 5, so that I can spend some time working on another personal project for a bit. Sorry about this! But when you've got a full time job and a full color comic on the side, it's really difficult to find time to do any other work . . . Also, full disclosure--right before the hiatus I will be in vacation in Costa Rica! I don't normally take a break from the comic on account of vacations (that's what queues are for), but I've been planning this hiatus to land at the end of chapter four for several months, and it just so happens that the only time I could schedule a last minute vacation was right before then. I'm not slacking off on purpose, I swear! I'll likely be spending evenings in Costa Rica writing for this comic (assuming that I don't run into hella problems with the structure) so I'll still be doing some work for you guys.