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Posted January 29, 2024 at 6:20 am

Short update today because I am crunching on getting the cover/jacket design finished for Volume Two of The Glass Scientists and kicking myself for not sticking to my guns and asking for two weeks, minimum. I don't know if that's a long time to make a book jacket, but I know it is for me, at least when I have a day job. At the very least, I should have mathematically been able to calculate that, if a typical page takes fifteen hours to go from sketch to final page, it was a teensy bit unrealistic to think I could take the back cover from sketch to final in a single day. Thoughts and prayers, please!

Street team competition: Team Jekyll wins by a hair!!

This is the final week to join the street team competition--and your last chance to receive your free Team Jekyll or Team Hyde lock screens! CLICK HERE to join!!
