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Posted January 8, 2024 at 6:20 am

New fan project announcement! Two long-time readers are creating a fiction podcast following the cast of The Glass Scientists in slice of life stories outside the main plotline. As part of that project, they will be hosting a Q&A with me on their discord The Hyding Cave on Friday, January 12th from 11:00am-12:30PM PST!

This Q&A will be a little different from the ones I've participated in before. Here, the voice actors playing Jekyll and Hyde will ask me questions in character, after which they will open the floor to audience questions for me or them. If you have any questions you'd like to ask me, or if you've ever wanted to talk directly to the good doctor and his wicked alter ego themselves, please be sure to join the Discord before Friday!


Street team competition: Team Jekyll wins by a hair!!

If you'd like to join the street team competition, CLICK HERE!
