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Posted December 11, 2023 at 6:20 am

I always feel a bit bad when there's a page without a major character the audience cares about--it only comes around once in a blue moon, but I don't like making people wait a whole week to see their friendos! Please rest assured that next's week's page will be an emotional gut punch.

This weekend I had time to attend the witchy craft faire Bitchcraft LA and, in an unexpected twist,  won the charity raffle! I now own so many handcrafted witchy things and can aspire to confuse people not only about my gender, but about my religious affiliation, as well (the line between queer progressive Catholicism and straight-up paganism continues to blur). Here is me, looking like I'm about to go apple picking for some reason, and my partner Zack, who put our names in:

Street team competition: Team Jekyll wins by a hair!

If you'd like to join the street team competition, CLICK HERE!
