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Page 01
Posted December 10, 2017 at 10:20 pm
SHOP UPDATE: Hyde charms are back in stock! They ran out quickly last time, so be sure to grab one quickly! And remember that if you would like a package to arrive by Christmas (and are ordering from the US) I recommend ordering by the end of the week! Also, don't forget to check out our new sale items! Guess what! It's a flashback! The text on these next couple pages are a very close adaptation from the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde novella (except that in this case, it's Mr. Hyde talking rather than Dr. Jekyll). For the record, Hyde sees Jekyll as himself up to the night of the first transformation and refers to him in the first person. Hyde was not "born" on that night, he was simply split away from the rest of Jekyll's consciousness. He's not two years old, so if you're making excuses for Hyde's dumbassery because "he's just a child!", I gotta tell ya . . . it's not canon.