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Page 23
Posted February 26, 2017 at 10:12 pm
It's really bothering me--I had a really clear idea of a cool soundtrack that could play over this scene. I think I knew what it was a couple weeks ago. But I forgot like 100%! Maybe it was fun and modern, like the Kickass soundtrack? Maybe it was something swashbuckling and instrumental, like the How to Train your Dragon soundtrack? But I'm pretty sure it wasn't either of those things. It was something really clever, whatever it was. I'm trying out a new coloring method! It's a bit more cell-shadey than it used to be. The old method was really struggling with the constant night scene lighting, especially when characters were grouped together (i.e. any shot with Moreau in it). I . . . think I like this new look? It's a lot more flexible, and I feel like I'm able to achieve a better range of colors on the characters than in the old method. I could stand to learn about cell shading more, though--thinking about it, I haven't really examined my understanding of cell shading since high school. Maybe middle school!